At Hadgi Tourism we’re receiving frequent requests for our product, Tourist Map Of Tigrai, from different corners of the world. Its such an informative, all-in-one, colorful map to discover and learn about Tigrai. Its available both in English and Tigrigna. Below are links to the detailed description of the map.

We are looking for commission based official agents to distribute this map in Canada, the US, Europe, Australia, and other places where agents may recommend.

Agents can be individuals or company, and they can sale the map in anyway they want after we agreed: online (Amazon, etc), in-store, gatherings (Tigrai Festivals, Fundraising events, etc) and other meanses. Based on agreements we made, they can process certain orders from customers.

Details about commission rate, mandates, scope, legal agreements, etc will be discused with those interested ones.

Please email us or just Whatsapp.